Need Help Setting Up GA4? We’ve Got Your Back!

After more than a decade of Google’s Universal Analytics (aka GA3), the transition to GA4 is right around the corner. On July 1, your Universal property will stop collecting new data. It’s time to finalize your GA4 property to maintain the steady flow of metrics that inform your decisions.

We’re giving away three free GA4 setups to help organizations transition to Google Analytics 4 without breaking a sweat. A Oneupweb analytics expert will get to work dotting the Is and crossing the Ts on your existing or brand-new GA4, including:

  • Setting up your GA4 property (if it doesn’t already exist) in your analytics account
  • Activating your data stream (if not already active)
  • Setting up custom events and/or conversions for GA4 (limit 5)
  • Configuring custom dimensions and/or metrics based on the new custom events
  • Running your team through the basics of GA4

Register to win GA4 Assistance:

Winners will be selected June 9 and informed via email. This offer is not open to existing Oneupweb clients – because your properties are already set up!

*See requirements for winning and receiving a setup.

Google Analytics 4 Resources

For almost two years, our team has been building a library of resources to make transitioning to Google Analytics 4 a little easier. If your team has already set up GA4 but needs more support, such as a tag audit, get in touch today!

*Requirements for winning big and receiving a GA4 setup:

  • Providing Oneupweb with the required access (explained below) by June 14 so we can have your property ready by July.
  • An existing Google Analytics account that you’re willing to temporarily give us Admin access to.
  • An installed Google Tag Manager container that you’re willing to temporarily give us Publish access to.
  • A list of 1-5 custom events that you want to track. (Oneupweb’s offer does not include custom ecommerce setups or other events requiring web development.)

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