Oneupweb : So You Want to be A Graphic Designer?

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You want to be a Graphic Designer but no one will hire you because you don’t have any experience. Sound familiar? In general, for any fresh person trying to break into a career pathway, it can be incredibly difficult to get hired. No awesome employer wants to hire a person with no experience but you can’t get experience without someone taking a chance, right? WRONG!

What to do, what to do!?!?

Not to worry, friend, your life is not bleak and meaningless. Many employers won’t hire you without experience, so make your own! This is especially easy in the design world, seeing as how everyone and their mom seems to need something from you. That website you built for Timmy’s Aunt Nancy’s Kitten Mitten business? EXPERIENCE! That logo you drew for that awesome death metal band? GUESS WHAT?!?!?! It wasn’t only fun it was also experience!!!

To make it look and sound professional you need to specify whether is was contract or freelance. Did I hear someone whisper if there is a difference? Why yes, of course there is, silly goose! Contract is someone you do repeat business with on a non-regular basis. You have been contracted to do multiple items or have gone back for more. Freelance is that weirdo you picked up off of Craigslist that needed their hair created into vector art. You signed up for one project and probably won’t be doing more.

But, I don’t have any friends and I don’t want to venture on Craigslist as I am nervous about creepers, help me!

Not to worry there is another, completely viable option: Volunteer!

Not only does volunteering make you look super awesome on your resume, but it also gives you that ever coveted experience. You might also get a chance to make a difference in your community, even around the world! My favorite place to go for volunteering is Sparked. You don’t have to leave your couch and you get the opportunity to help the causes that you are passionate about. If you are a lucky duck you’ll even get the chance to work with some highly recognized causes and companies. Lastly, it’s super easy and walks you through every step of the way, plus you no longer have to feel like a bum for sitting on your couch not showering for weeks on end.

To recap: You need to create your own opportunities to get a kick-ass job. Volunteering is a great resource because it makes you feel good, you get some great experience, you are helping people and with Sparked, you don’t have to leave your cozy man cave.

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