Oneupweb : 15 Minute Logo Design Challenge

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Hello ladies and gents!

Welcome to the fabulous world of designing and, more importantly, thinking fast. Our rag-tag crew of scalawag designers is tough and can handle any challenge that gets thrown at them. And because of that, I thought I’d spice things up during our morning read with a design challenge.

Today’s assignment: Design a logo for Smart Commute in 15 minutes. Go!

As we all know, this week is Smart Commute week in Traverse City. People are encouraged to take alternative methods of travel to work instead of driving. People walk, bike, hop, skip and jump to their places of business. And if they don’t use pure man-power, they car-pool or take public transportation. Workers rack up points during the week if they “Smart Commute” to work and the Traverse City employer with the most points at the end of the week wins all the glory.

And our design-homage to Smart Commute are the fruits of this design challenge.

At the end of our short period everyone simultaneously hit “Ctrl + P” and we headed into the conference room to review our logos. Though many logos were created, these are some of our favorites.

This first logo is the intelligent design of Jess. She automatically found Traverse City smack dab in the middle of Smart Commute and leveraged it for all its worth.

David took us around the block with his design that tapped into an essential element of a daily commute.

And Nicole’s logo brings us on an infinite journey across a landscape to somewhere hopefully as vibrant as the present location.

My addition to the challenge is simply a bicycle and the trail it leaves behind while in route.

And I’m also am adding a second logo that I designed. (Hey, I wrote this blog, so I get to do that!) This logo strips away the complexities of the bike because it is a more simple form of transportation, but explores the possibility of new struggles (namely landscape) that become more apparent while biking instead of driving.

Later in the day someone (cough…Nicole) did some extra credit and placed her logo in some applications. And they were just way too fabulous not to share!

Beyond being smart and rocket fast…this team has super powers like whoa. The kind of powers that make this Mama hen proud. They literally make the magic happen, even under a tight deadline.

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