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Every company needs to check-in from time to time to make sure that all marketing efforts are aligned with the key objectives and goals of the business. If something is out-of-whack, you need to figure out where the leak is, or where the process is broken. Inbound leads are essential for every business but having to consistently recruit is challenging. A few months ago, we wrote a series of white papers on this very topic, inbound leads. In case you missed them, or would like a refresher, you can click on the links below to access the free white papers, which include insight into our process.

Driving Inbound Leads: Part 1 Agility

In the initial white paper of the series, we discuss inbound marketing and how to drive inbound leads.

Highlights include:

      • 6 Ways to Expand Your Content Creation
      • 4 Ways to Keep your Marketing Agile
      • How to Best Close the Feedback Loop

Driving Inbound Leads: 2 Maintenance

Driving Inbound Leads Part 2

Your Content Machine is Purring. Now What?

In this white paper we continue our discussion from Driving Inbound Leads: Part 1 Agility. Here, we outline how to evaluate your content marketing by taking a look under the hood to make sure your sales funnel isn’t leaking and that you are continually calibrating all parts of your inbound marketing machine.

Highlights include:

        • 3 Key Conversion Identifiers
        • 4 Tips to Identify Your Competitive Advantage
        • The New Digital Sales Funnel

Do you follow some of these same practices with your company? If not, what do you do differently? 

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For nearly two decades, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has protected patient privacy, reduced fraud and changed how healthcare providers interact with patients. HIPAA also changed how healthcare systems and private practices attract and retain patients through various marketing channels. We put together our top HIPAA marketing rules to help you, the...

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