Google Video Goodness: 6 Oneupweb Originals

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Have I mentioned the fantastic talents of Rob VanderStelt, our in-house video guru? The guy does amazing things. Recently, he put together the following videos for our Google-month feature.

Check out the final cut for “How Much Do You Know About Google?” and then watch some footage that we had to nix from that video:


How Much Do You Know About Google?

OneUpWeb: How much do you know about Google? from Oneupweb on Vimeo.


Originally, the above video was over 4:00 minutes long. Rob worked with myself, David Kehrer (our Creative Director and all-around great person) and some others from the team to hone it in. In the editing process, we ultimately had to cut some of our favorite scenes (but it’s like they say in the literary world–sometimes you have kill your darlings).  But that doesn’t mean you can’t save those darlings and use them  else where. And I didn’t want Rob’s good work to completely go to waste. So, he cut the stuff we asked to be cut and put together a few more short vids highlighting just one Google fact. Those results? They follow, below:


Did You Know—Google Goats

OneUpWeb: How much do you know about Google? from Oneupweb on Vimeo.



Did You Know—Google Slogan

OneUpWeb: How much do you know about Google? from Oneupweb on Vimeo.



Did You Know—Google Legos

OneUpWeb: Did you know this about Google? from Oneupweb on Vimeo.



Did You Know—Google Stan

OneUpWeb: Did you know this about Google? from Oneupweb on Vimeo.



Did You Know—Google HTML

OneUpWeb: How much do you know about Google? from Oneupweb on Vimeo.



So what did you think? Let us know–and stay tuned. Rob, myself and the other creatives here at Oneupweb will continue conceptualizing and producing some great video content. Keep your eyes peeled in the months and weeks ahead. Until next time–


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