Happy Thanksgiving from Oneupweb

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Thanksgiving is, perhaps, my most favorite holiday. It’s not simply the act of coming together in celebration or of seeing friends and family—it isn’t just about the food or the football, although those things are nice. It’s everything about it. Heck, even the reciprocity within just the word “Thanksgiving” is a wonderful thing.

Be thankful.

Be generous.

Could there be a more simple ethos? There is not one of us of who can’t find something to be thankful for, one moment to look back on in gratitude. And no matter how busy we get or how stretched thin we sometimes feel, I know each of us can find one moment, one small gesture of gracious servitude to give to someone else. It doesn’t take much and even the smallest gift has the potential to impart the most meaning, especially if it comes out of a spirit of thanksgiving.

Here at Oneupweb, we are, each of us, settling in to our own Thanksgiving plans. Some of us will travel. Others will stay in town. A few us might come together to break bread and share a drink (or two).

I can’t speak to all the things each of us individually are thankful for or what each of us individually gives—not only on this holiday, but on each and every day—but I can offer this: on behalf of all of us here at Oneupweb, Happy Thanksgiving.

Eat, drink, be merry—do all those things, but above all, keep in mind the two simple notions of gratitude and generosity (and also, if you didn’t do the cooking, at least offer to clean up).

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