April 21 is Mobilegeddon—Get on Board with Oneupweb’s Mobile Response Team

Posted on in Blog

This is the situation. The situation is this:

Come April 21, 2015, websites that are not mobile-friendly will see a significant drop in mobile traffic as Google will begin to use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal for searches made using mobile phones.

If you’re not sure if your site is mobile-friendly, visit Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool. Click that link and type in your URL.

How did your site perform?

If you failed, don’t worry— consider us your Mobile Response Team. In addition to the link above, we’ve put together this page as a resource.

You have questions. We have answers.

Some recent blog posts will help you sort out what you need to know:

  • What are the key considerations you should be keeping in mind through this transition? Read them here in our November 18, 2014 post.
  • Will Google penalize my site for poor mobile performance? Yes! We’ve been telling you this since at least this August 6, 2013 post.


Sometimes it’s easier to visualize.

Here’s an infographic and a video about responsive design.



Our Responsive Design White Paper

And if you’re still in need of information, please fill out this form fill to receive a copy of our white paper on responsive design.

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