Introducing Casey McDougall

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Casey McDougall, SEO and Content Marketing Project Manager

I was born and grew up in Farmington, MI with a lifelong passion for books and reading. That led me to get my bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing from Michigan State University, translating a love for the written word into a skill for rhetoric and content creation. I had the chance to work with three different publications at MSU, as well as interning for the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Culture. After graduation, I jumped into freelance work, getting in three years with a digital marketing firm. I’ve been so pleased to take the plunge into full-time work with Oneupweb. Here, I’ve been able to deepen my technical understanding of SEO and hone my skills a little more every day.

casey mcdougall

What’s your average day like at Oneupweb?

I usually start my day with a daily read or reviewing edits that came in at the end of the last workday. Depending on my workload, I could have everything from keyword research to blog writing to service page optimization on my plate. I’ve also handled social shorts, technical site audits and video scripts, so no two days are the same. My favorite days are when I get to learn something new for a blog. With such a vast range of clients, it’s rare that I don’t pick up some tidbit of information I didn’t know at the start of the workday.

What is your best trait and how do you use it to help your colleagues and clients?

I’m used to adapting to new clients from my years as a freelancer, so I’m a bit of a content chameleon. I’ve been told that I’m great at tweaking my writing style to fit new brands and clients, and I’m inclined to agree. It’s great for picking up new clients’ styles quickly.

What do you do when you’re not at work?

My usual pursuit is still reading or writing personal projects. When I can, I love spending time with my friends, and if I don’t go out for a walk in nature every once in a while, I’ll wilt like a neglected plant. You can always find at least three craft projects I’m in the middle of scattered around the house. I also love playing TTRPGs (tabletop roleplaying games) like Dungeons & Dragons and Shadowrun because I’m a gigantic nerd to the core.

What are life’s simple pleasures?

Basking in the sun when the temperature’s just right (and there are no mosquitoes), spending time laughing with friends, cooking a meal meant for more than one.

Describe yourself in three words?

Compassionate, creative, quick-witted (it’s hyphenated, it counts)

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