Want to know what’s cool? Pizza, Beer and Marketing Retainers

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Don’t believe me? In my world things don’t get much cooler than a hot pizza, a cold beer and a marketing retainer in place ready to support a client with any challenge they are experiencing with only a simple call or e-mail.

Think about your everyday life and how cool it is to have someone you can call for help whenever you need them. It doesn’t matter why you’re calling—they’re just there ready and willing to provide support. You could be calling to have them help you move for the hundredth time and they’re willing to accept beer and pizza as compensation; or maybe you just want advice on what to wear to an important interview.

That’s kind of how a marketing retainer can work for your business. Marketing retainers provide that support and confidence that you always have someone you can call on to help get the job done. Retainers can be setup in any number of ways depending on what type of support you need for your company. They can be customized by the number of hours of support over a certain timeframe, by specific activities or left broad to encompass whatever may arise. Here at Oneupweb we create retainer agreements for a variety of projects and client needs including:

  • Design
  • Development
  • SEO / Content Marketing
  • Paid Marketing and PPC

Most retainer agreements are setup on a monthly basis and can be used in a number of ways. Here are a couple examples of what you can use a digital marketing retainer for typically:

  • Adjusting graphical elements on your website like swapping out images or updating a logo
  • CMS updates and support to make sure you’re operating on the latest version
  • Infographic creation to visually package stats from your latest B2B white paper. By the way – did I mention how cool business-to-business marketing can be? Checkout our white paper on making B2B marketing sexy again.
  • Setting up a new PPC campaign to target people searching for the best MBA program for international business executives

Having a marketing retainer not only makes your business cool, it gives you piece of mind that you always have support. It also saves you time by not having to get a new proposal, sign it and pay the invoice before any work even gets started. And although we don’t typically accept payment in the form of pizza and beer for services like your good friend helping you move, there’s always room for negotiation.

photo credit: bighamdesign via photopin cc

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