The Very Best Brands on Social Media

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Marketing for a brand on social media can be tricky. Social media managers walk a thin line between maintaining brand standards, delivering engaging content on several platforms and proving the social channel’s role as a part of a comprehensive strategy.

For inspiration, look at the social media accounts of these top brands and see what elements of their work you can bring to your account.

What Do Brands With Great Social Media Accounts Have in Common?

There’s no blueprint for effective social media marketing, but some of the most-followed and engaging accounts share a few characteristics.

1. They’re entertaining. Despite the prevalence of streaming platforms, we spend most of our time on social media. The average adult spends about 145 minutes per day on social media, with scrolling effectively replacing television as our go-to source of entertainment. (Full disclosure: most of us TikTok while we watch Netflix; it’s kind of a double-dip.)

2. They’re social. Check out your favorite brand on social media and skim the comments. There’s a good chance the brand is actively replying and engaging with users to keep the conversation going. While it may not be possible to reply to all comments, there’s solid evidence it can improve engagement and reach on most platforms.

3. It’s not all about them. Brands with a strong social media presence aren’t sharing only promotional content, and often have other initiatives to share on social media. Being a part of a wider dialogue establishes brand values, strengthens customer loyalty and can increase brand awareness. It’s true: Social media content should reflect a brand’s other priorities beyond products; Nike’s partnership with former NFL quarterback and civil rights activist Collin Kaepernick is a perfect example.

There are no blueprints for getting things right on every post, on every platform. It takes time, creativity and dedication (and plenty of sore thumbs).

5 Brands with the Best Social Media

Oneupweb’s dedicated social media team put together a list of their must-follow brands on Instagram, TikTok, X and Facebook. After some arm wrestling and strong opinions, we put together a list of our five favorite accounts on social media, plus a few B2B and ecommerce picks, too.

1. Angi

Angi connects homeowners with reputable home service companies and empowers plenty of DIY projects, too. Angi’s Instagram account is the perfect mix of information and entertainment, packaged in bright, engaged posts and videos.

a screenshot of angi's instagram
screenshot of angi's instagram

2. Peloton

This is the perfect example of, “It’s not just an account, it’s a community!” Leave it to an in-home fitness company to use its Instagram to connect 1.9 million people with every post. Expect a similar approach and content on that “other” platform, too. Peloton announced an exclusive partnership with TikTok to post short workouts and related content on the app.

pelotons instagram

3. Apple

Quick, scroll the Apple IG. You won’t find products, but you’ll find hundreds of brilliant photos and videos created by Apple’s phones and laptops. It’s an excellent example of using social media as an aspirational marketing channel, not a constant sales pitch. And with 32 million followers, they’re certainly getting that message across.

4. Intentionally Blank

Fashion brand Intentionally Blank mixes product, celebrity and irony to curate an excellent feed. In the crowded world of apparel sales, it offers a unique look with a degree of accessibility few labels match on social. It’s one of the top ecommerce brands on social media according to our team – that’s high praise.

5. Microsoft

The most valuable company on Earth also has a strong social media game. Microsoft’s main account covers their many B2B services and products, which certainly keeps the content fresh. From AI talk to a healthy dose of nostalgia, it’s got a lot to look at – and a lot to like. It sets the standards as one of the top B2B brands on social media.

Make Social Media Work for Your Brand

Companies that use social media marketing often get a lift off-platform, too. Bio Bidet by Bemis’s omnichannel approach saw a robust social strategy positively impact organic search traffic and other core marketing metrics. With a personalized approach and a little creativity, you can up your game, too.

Like, Comment and Call Oneupweb

Marketing managers can’t do it all alone, and you don’t have to! Get help concepting, strategizing and creating exceptional scroll-stopping content that sets your brand apart.

For over 25 years, Oneupweb has helped brands across industries get more out of their digital marketing efforts. Let’s get started; get in touch or call (231) 922-9977 today.

Read more: The Must-have Social Media Accounts for Businesses

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