Email Marketing Frequently Asked Questions

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You’re probably familiar with email marketing. Check your inbox right now – how many brand emails are in your inbox?

Email marketing is a powerful tool when used correctly. We explore some of the most frequently asked questions our email marketing team receives, giving you answers to help you run a successful campaign.

Need a refresher on email marketing terms? Pop open this handy glossary of terms to jog your memory.

Email Marketing FAQs

Is email marketing dead?

Does email marketing still exist? Yes, but that’s not what people really mean when they ask this question. Their real question is, “it worth my company’s time to invest in an email marketing strategy?” The short answer: Email marketing isn’t dead. What it is, is measurable, cost-effective and personal. That’s why investing in email marketing is a sound choice for brands in all kinds of industries.

Why is email marketing important to your brand?

Most internet users prefer brands to contact them by email. It’s true! According to Statista, 70% of consumers prefer brand communication via email.  Emails serve as a tangible reminder of your brand in a space that many people check daily (or even hourly). A solid email marketing campaign keeps your brand on potential customers’ minds without the annoyance of phone calls, easily lost flyers or an expensive online ad budget.

What are email metrics and what do they mean?

There are a few key metrics to pay attention to in an email marketing campaign:

  • Deliverability: How many of your emails actually reached your audience’s inboxes? The deliverability rate (or acceptance rate) counts the number of emails that the receiving server does accept, whereas the bounce rate counts the emails that are returned to you.
  • Open Rate: Of those emails that were successfully delivered, how many were opened?
  • Clickthrough Rate: What percentage of users clicked on a link in your email?
  • Bounce Rate: How many email addresses in your list didn’t receive your message because it was returned by a recipient mail server? Bounce rates can be measured in terms of a hard bounce and a soft bounce.

What is the average open rate for email marketing?

In the beginning of 2022, the average open rate for all industries was 29.55%. Your open rate can vary based on many things: your industry, the creativity of your copy and even the subject lines you write. It’s also possible to improve your open rate over time. People begin to recognize your name in their inbox and experience will teach you what works for your customer base and what doesn’t. But there are some additional steps you can take to boost your open rate.

Related: Hubspot vs. MailChimp vs. Constant Contact: What is the Best Email Marketing Software?

How can I make my emails stand out?

It’s true, there are lots of emails that get sent out every day – to around 5 billion existing email accounts. So, just like with any other content, your brand will need to have something that sets its emails apart from all the rest. The first step to making your emails stand out is to understand the different types of emails you have in your back pocket.

Mix things up. Different types of email appeal to different subscribers and can be tailored to users at different points in the customer journey. Some email types to create are:

  • Informational newsletters
  • Sales-focused emails including promotions and abandoned cart notifications
  • Brand emails including welcome campaigns and re-engagement campaigns

Always emphasize quality over quantity. Instead of blasting out dozens of emails per week, use A/B testing to learn how to increase click rate in your email marketing every time you hit send.

How much does email marketing cost?

Dedicated professionals running your email marketing may cost anywhere from $15 to over $100 per email, which is still less than many paid campaigns. There are plenty of Email Service Providers (or ESPs) who can host your emails and help you maintain lists, schedules and other details. Some accounts are free, while others offer more services for a higher fee.

The monthly or average cost of email marketing is often determined by the email tools you use. Platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact have several pricing tiers based on the number of subscribers in your list and the use of paid features, like email automations.

When is the best time to send a marketing email?

This often depends on your industry and potential customer base! The majority of marketers report high open rates between 9 am and noon, with noon to 3 pm close behind. To find out what works best for you, run some A/B testing (or hire marketing testing services) to tell you when your emails have the most success.

Is email marketing effective?

Yes! Return on investment is high in email marketing spaces, giving you $36 of value for every $1 spent. In a world saturated with ads and commercials, consumers tend to opt in to email marketing campaigns they’re already interested in. This makes it easier to stand out from the white noise of constant marketing. With a knowledgeable partner, you can take your email marketing to the next level for even more click through.

How To Start an Email Marketing Campaign That Will Attract Attention

Every campaign is an opportunity to learn. Experiment with different types of emails, different delivery times, promotions and coupon codes and topics to see what excites readers and drives conversions.

  • Test, test, test! Try out different subject lines, A/B test the design of your email template and know when to hit send.
  • Use CTAs to your advantage. Instead of just having a “contact us” button at the bottom of your email, try something a little more descriptive. Make sure your CTA buttons are accessible.
  • Find out what your audience wants. Send out surveys and encourage replies by directly asking your list what they love the most from your brand. Then, send more of that content.
  • Tell a story. The emails you’re most likely to send to the trash don’t grab your attention, right? Create content that hooks your audience and makes them anticipate your next email.
  • Use different types of content. Just like blogs, it’s important to use images and videos as well as text in your emails. This keeps your emails interesting and shows off your content skills.

Win the Inbox with a Dedicated Email Marketing Strategy

At Oneupweb, we build custom, responsive email templates with on-brand image treatment and the experience to meld brand message with conversions. We’re masters of CRM integration, content creation, list segmentation, automation, reporting and testing. Don’t wing it. Let the experts help you grow your business through email. Give us a call at (231) 922-9977.

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