Oneupweb Client Snapshot: Discover Boating

Posted on in Case Studies


Discover Boating is a marketing effort managed by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA). By promoting the benefits, accessibility and fun that comes with the boating life¬style, Discover Boating aims to connect with the 70 million people in the U.S. who enjoy recreational boating.

Discover Boating wanted to be discovered by a very specific audience: people curious enough to be searching on boating-related terms but not yet in the market to purchase a watercraft. The website aims to promote boating as an enjoyable, attainable and affordable activity; but the challenge was attracting the right kind of visitor to the website.


We took a two-phased approach, beginning with a needs appraisal followed by recommendations to ensure prime indexing by the major search engines. Over 300 redirects were implemented on duplicate sites to prevent the possibility of penalization by the search engines. After resolving internal site issues, we set out to optimize metadata and website content. The second phase optimized copy to increase the relevancy to boating-related search terms.


  • In the first two months, site traffic increased by nearly 50% and after a year, that figure grew to a 160% increase in unique site visits.
  • The second phase propelled Discover Boating even higher in the search results for targeted keywords. There was a 3,850% increase in top 10 positions and a 1,983% increase in top 30 positions in the search results.


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