Always On Call: A Healthcare Recruitment Case Study

Posted on in Case Studies

Strategic recruiting strategies help growing organizations source top talent to fill critical roles. One of the most efficient ways to reach the best candidates is to utilize a dedicated paid media recruiting campaign. Paid campaigns work with your broader recruiting and talent acquisition efforts to take hard-earned data and find quality prospects quickly.

See how we plan and implement recruitment strategies to attract and retain talent. Case studies are a great way to see how it all comes together!

The Primary Health Network Case Study

The healthcare industry has faced incredible labor pressure since 2020. The need for qualified healthcare providers is expected to grow at 13% CAGR through 2031, markedly faster than the wider labor market. Recruiting is already a core concern for healthcare organizations and openings are only expected to rise. Experts predict an average of 1.9 million healthcare-related openings per year through 2031 to replace existing needs and meet growth projections.

Key Challenges and Barriers

Primary Health Network’s challenge was to locate qualified candidates in sparsely populated regions. Healthcare is also notoriously strict in terms of regulatory compliance, adding another variable to the team’s to-do list. Our team needed to operate within close parameters to ensure efficient ad spend and generate quality leads.

The Results

In the first half of 2023, paid ads served on Google, Meta and LinkedIn generated 385 conversions with a 4.8% conversion rate, well above the industry average. The recruiting campaign delivered:

  • 1.3 million impressions
  • 8,000 clicks
  • $17 cost per lead
  • Twice the number of qualified leads

 Significantly, users converting through paid did so much faster than other channels, averaging just 3.19 days to conversion — 62.55% faster than all channels. Paid users also required 30.53% fewer touchpoints to conversion, interacting with the site an average of 5.58 times. This helped fill positions quickly, mitigating losses in productivity due to staffing issues.

A strong paid effort also helped boost total site sessions, which increased 21.14% PoP. The increase in traffic was high-quality; core engagement metrics improved PoP, including engagement rate (+31.35%), average engagement time per session (+7.39%), and a 934.27% increase in users exploring open positions.

Learn more about our Healthcare marketing experience.

Proven Tactics and Measurable Results

Our paid media team has been helping clients meet their recruiting goals, a service that’s garnered increased attention during historically low unemployment. In addition to leveraging SEO and social media advertising for recruiting, we’ve utilized paid search and paid social to drive conversions from qualified prospects. Advertising for recruiting requires a multi-faceted approach, with paid ads serving as a core component of turning prospects into applicants.

Effective recruiting requires a long-term strategy that constantly reevaluates success.

a testimonial from primary health network "onepweb seamlessly executed our entire digital marketing strategy for a recent campaign with incredible skill and expertise. their ability to provide consistent results and offer the latest techniques keeps our brand ahead of the competition in an ever-changing digital environment. we are grateful for their guidance and support"

Talent Acquisition Never Stops

The healthcare industry’s current labor shortages pose a real societal risk that makes access to care more challenging for more people. The need for effective recruiting campaigns to fill urgent or specialized needs isn’t going away. That’s why healthcare teams invest in sustained, nimble, data-driven recruiting marketing services from Oneupweb. Get in touch or call 231-922-9977 to start your project today.  

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