Tangoe: SaaS Marketing Case Study

Posted on in Case Studies

Tangoe is not a “sell it and forget it” SaaS company. They are a leading provider of a complete enterprise technology management experience that they create through their technology and services.

That experience deserved a stronger spotlight, so Tangoe teamed up with Oneupweb to bump up their brand awareness and sales.

Scope of Work

This technology marketing case study covers more than marketing strategy:

  • A new website designed and developed by Oneupweb
  • A subtle brand refresh (visuals, voice, tone)
  • A flexible marketing retainer for SEO, design, development, email and more
  • A paid media retainer

Action and Results

1. The Website and Brand Refresh

Problems and plans.

When Tangoe first reached out to us, they told us their website didn’t quite capture their brand personality and their product and service offerings. The enterprise technology management industry is extremely competitive, and this business needed to shine brighter and clearer.

The remedy: a new website!

Oneupweb went to work on a website with lots of custom development and design. At the same time, we planned an initial SEO strategy to inform the new site structure and get a jump on ranking better for relevant search queries. Tangoe’s marketing and product teams provided documentation and helped Oneupweb experts learn the complex products and services, as we needed to handle content optimizations efficiently.

Having design, development and content strategists working together to launch the site made QA more thorough and post-launch performance stronger.

What we created:

  • Bold, clean design
  • Lean, fast-loading code
  • Custom styles and templates that made future content implementation easier
  • Logical URL structure
  • More product and service pages (which we expanded even more later)
  • Organized blog and resource archives (migrated all existing content)
  • Pardot to Gravity Forms integration for a better user experience
  • More robust event tracking for marketing insights

A before-and-after glimpse.

the old tangoe website home page
the tangoe homepage of the website designed and developed by oneupweb

Results of the new site.

Launched in January 2020, the new Tangoe website reflects the company’s bold and professional brand, and it has led to conversion increases. In Q1 of 2021 compared to Q1 of 2020:

  • Total contact form fills increased 172%

2. The Marketing Retainer

What was needed?

  • Search engine optimization. An SEO strategy had been implemented on several pages, and Tangoe was ranking well for their telecom-related keyword targets. For cloud and mobile keywords, however, they needed stronger organic rankings to beat competitors.
  • Ongoing website additions and maintenance. A brand this big needs to continually expand content to accurately represent the business, build authority and stay competitive. So Oneupweb geared up for design, development and content support as needed.
  • Email assets. The old Pardot (Salesforce) email templates no longer matched the new website. Upcoming email campaigns needed on-brand, correctly developed templates to help Tangoe’s team be efficient.

SEO strategy and results (so far).

For more than a year now (as of case study publication), we’ve helped Tangoe keep SEO, UX and website performance top-of-mind while adding pages and features to the website.  

There are more than 21 new and optimized service, product and company pages now. We’ve developed keyword strategy for at least 15 more solutions pages. Additionally, we’ve planned future resource content that will be SEO-focused to attract Tangoe’s audience members who are in the upper and middle sales funnel stages.

These updates improved SEO performance, especially for the most important pages on the site. Comparing March 2021 to March 2020:

  • Organic contact form fills increased 78%
  • Organic sessions to the four main solutions pages increased 67%

Perhaps most exciting: The domain’s visibility in the SERP for the top 45 non-branded keyword targets has been steadily increasing for months – including for those cloud- and mobile-related targets that were previously weak.

Line graph shows % visibility in the SERP for the top 45 keyword targets increasing from .37% to 6.55% between July 2020 and March 2021

A peek at an email template.

An email template that Oneupweb designed and developed in Pardot, featuring a pleasing header with clean graphical elements and a smiling woman with a mobile phone

3. The Paid Media Retainer

How it started.

When we first began our paid media partnership, Tangoe was focused on search ads and had recently scaled back to improve targeting. Additionally, all landing pages were hosted on a separate domain. Our goals were to build a landing page template for the root domain and to expand/refine campaigns to bring in more quality leads.

How it’s going.

The landing page we created is the top-converting one for all campaigns! Ads are running on social, Google display network and Google search, and they are successfully attracting leads. Tangoe’s creative team has handled display ad design beautifully, using messaging written by Oneupweb. We monitor campaigns closely to adjust targeting, messaging and creative.

Here are some of the period-over-period results we’ve seen in the six months since taking over paid media management:

  • Conversions are up 184%
  • Cost per conversion has decreased 50%
  • New users on the website from paid media have increased by 500%

An example of one of the best-converting search ads in 2021:

an example of a tangoe search ad


We are grateful for the collaborative, positive relationship we have with Tangoe. We look forward to adding to the list of wins for this business.

If you checked out this SaaS marketing case study because you want to improve your technology business’s strategy too, head to our technology industry page to learn more.

Have questions? Contact us here or call (231) 922-9977.

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